Exploring The Neighborhood
Did you know??
That the Mason Dixon Line Trail runs behind our community?
The Mason–Dixon line, also called the Mason and Dixon line or Mason's and Dixon's line, is a demarcation line separating four U.S. states, forming part of the borders of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia
The use of any motorized vehicles on the trail is PROHIBITED by the community.
Of note, any motorized vehicles found riding on the trails and roads are subject to law enforcement. We are aware that we have kids riding their motorized vehicles in our retention ponds and damaging them and the access trails. This could cause the ponds to fail and a substantial cost to the homeowners.
Do you part! Do not allow anyone in your household to operate these motorized vehicles on the trails and retention ponds. We have been told by the police to contact them when we see riders in the woods and we encourage all homeowners to do the same. Riders will be prosecuted. Cameras will be placed by the ponds to identify trespassers. If anyone has expertise with this please let us know.
Block Party info:
Save the date for the 1st annual Whitaker Woods Block Party on Saturday, August 19th. Come out and meet your neighbors and get to know each other while we celebrate the end of summer.
More details to follow...